Trauma, PTSD and Attachment

Self Harm Support – No Harm Done

Young Minds. “Self-harm is a common problem that can often point to underlying issues with your mental health. There is help out there to help you stop and also address whatever triggers are causing you to start. In this booklet, we’ll guide you through what causes people to self-harm, how to get help and how to help if you know someone who might be self-harming. You can order copies from YoungMinds by email: or phone: 020 7089 5050.”

The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children poster

‘The teenage years are often referred to as a time of “storm and stress”. For many young people, they are emotionally fuelled years, but adolescence is also a time of unparalleled opportunity for learning and creativity. One vital skill for all teenagers to learn is emotional regulation — the ability to calmly assess and then keep emotions in check. However, one challenge in perfecting this skill lies in the “developmental mismatch” in the teenage brain. During adolescence, the limbic system, which processes emotions, develops more quickly than the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is involved in planning, judgement and emotional control. It’s still only a theory, but the evidence is stacking up that the excitability of the limbic system versus the PFC is responsible for heightened emotional reactivity in adolescents. However, as the PFC matures, its ability to regulate the activity in limbic structures improves. Dr Sarah McKay’s blog post goes into more detail about the brain changes that are happening during adolescence.’  Courtesy of The Neuroscience Academy website.

Click here to read.

Liar Liar Liar

“We often get very frustrated and indignant when children lie. We mount our ‘moral crusader horse’ forgetting to reflect on why children who have complex trauma might lie. Watch the Skill Bite below and think differently about what to do when a child lies, it might just help you not fall off your ‘horse’ so often or not climb up onto it in the first place.” soapbox – Why Do Children Lie.  Gregory Nicolau, Founder / CEO Australian Childhood Trauma Group.

Children need help regulating emotionally by looking to a calm adult to provide tools and assurance. A dysregulated adult will escalate the child and miss the opportunity to teach the child how to self-calm. Sometimes adults need help learning self-regulation, too. It’s okay to ask for help.